One of the parents usually babysits the kids while the rest of the group goes over our lesson. I was the babysitter this past week and was able to get some cute pics of the kids that I wanted to share!
5 years ago
The Adventures of the Wemyss Family
Austin and Noah ready for the hayride
Austin and his buddy Noah in front of Thomas the Train at Six Flags (Austin loves, loves, loves Thomas the Train!)
Austin and Noah riding in Harold the Helicopter
Our friends Christine, Noah, & Joe and Austin and mommy riding on Thomas the Train
Daddy and Austin on the carousel at Six Flags
This picture cracks me up - Charlie and Austin in a very crowded Helicopter ride
Austin and Daddy riding the bee ride at The Big E
Austin riding the ponies at The Big E
Wearing his cool shades while piloting the plane
Taking his friend Riley for a ride
Our big toy of the moment - a Thomas the Train ball pit!
Kristen & Phia waiting for the concert to start
NKOTB right in front of us!