I have been procrastinating when it comes to updating the blog because so much has happened since I last posted!
Here is a quick synopsis of our life in the past 6 months:
1. We are expecting! I surprised Charlie with a positive pregnancy test the day before Valentine's Day (I know, I just couldn't wait!). We are due on October 27, 2009 with our second boy. No name yet - we are still debating, but hopefully we'll decide soon.
2. We have moved back to Texas! Charlie was offered a new position in Houston about a week after we found out I was pregnant. If you know me, then you know how much I love the whole moving while pregnant thing! God definitely has a sense of humor! In the midst of morning (all day) sickness and two-year old tantrums, we (okay not we, Charlie) somehow got the house ready to be put on the market and we received an offer four days later. Truly an answer to prayer!
3. We found a house in Missouri City, Texas! We love our new house! We were homeless for about six weeks when we first moved down. We alternated between my in-laws and my parent's houses. While we appreciated their generosity, it was heaven to move into our own space and start to get settled. There is still plenty that we want to do around the new house, but it is starting to feel like home. The neighborhood is great and it won't be long until we feel like we have lived here for years.
4. We vacationed in San Antonio, Texas with my family in June! It was a wonderful, relaxing vacation, even though we had just moved into our new house less than a week earlier! My parents rented a beautiful home right outside of San Antonio and we spent the days lazing by the pool and playing guitar hero. It was a lot of fun. We also went down to the RiverWalk one evening for dinner and spent a day at Sea World. Sea World was great and the kids (Austin and his cousin, Mallory) and the two pregnant ladies (myself and sister-in-law, Karson) did really well considering it was June in Texas! We even were able to have a close up, back stage encounter with Shamu, thanks to the sister of one of my brother's best friends from high school. Katie is one of Shamu's trainers, so we got the scoop on Shamu and took an awesome picture sitting right next to Shamu. Thanks so much Katie!
5. Austin attended his first Astros game! Thanks to MiMi and Pops, we headed to our first Astros game this past Saturday. Austin did really well and enjoyed the ballpark (especially, the train and the food!). He also got his first Astros shirt, hat, and ball, courtesy of his grandparents!
Well I think that covers the big things that have happened over the last few months. I promise to be better from this point on! After I upload pictures from San Antonio, I'll add some pics, but I'll leave you with the shots of Austin at the Astros game.