Welcome to our sweet Tanner boy! Tanner arrived about 5 days early on October 22, 2009. I realize that I am a little late in the game to blog about this, but I'm trying to do a catch-up post and get us back to real time! Tanner is 8 weeks old today and has started to smile and grab things (especially my hair!). He is not on any schedule yet, but I am hoping to get him there in the next week or so. Momma needs more sleep!
Tanner is a much bigger baby than Austin was at this age. The boy likes to eat! He loves his big brother and always has a smile for him. Austin is enthralled with Tanner and wants to be next to him (on top of him, in his face, etc) all the time. This has presented a challenge since Austin has had cold after cold due to being in preschool this year. Poor Tanner has had a cold since his second week of life! The only consolation is that later on he will have a stellar immune system!
Enjoy Tanner's birth announcement! The picture on the announcement was taken by a local photographer, Lauren Simpson. If you are in the Sienna Plantation area, she is fabulous!
I promise I will post some current pictures in the next blog post!