While this was Austin's third Halloween, it was the first Halloween where he actually "got" what was going on. I thought that I would at least have one more year where I got to pick the costume, but Austin quickly made it known that he was going to be Thomas for Halloween. For all you folks out there without little boys, Thomas is Thomas the Train and quite the phenomenom with boys Austin's age. So I found a Thomas costume (one size fits all up to age 6!) and we were set. We actually got to wear the costume three times this Halloween season, so we definitely got our money's worth!
We practiced with him on how to knock or ring the doorbell and then say "Trick or Treat", followed by a "thank you" after receiving our candy. He was doing great with it when we practiced at home, but had a little stage fright when we went trick or treating for real. We had him go up to our door first and the first thing he said when Charlie opened the door was "Candy!". He did better as we went to each house and finally had it down by the end of the night! He had a blast and our neighbors loved seeing "Thomas".
The best treat was when our good friends stopped by with their little boy Noah (Austin's buddy). When we opened the door, Austin was so excited to see him and we were able to get some pictures of the boys together. Thanks for stopping by, Christine, Joe and Noah!
I'll leave you with a few pictures of our fun Halloween!

Austin ready for his first time Trick or Treating

Our Thomas the Train pumpkin (this thing took hours!!)

Austin as Thomas the Train

Family Pic at our neighbors

Noah and Austin